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Access to Education

There are now many organizations involved in initiatives to improve access to education and improve literacy around the world.  This means many programs and projects and a vast need for program/project management for these efforts.  Here are some resources to help readers learn more about these activities.

General Information



Global Initiatives & Programs



Local Issues, Initiatives, Programs, Projects



Muyanga, M., Wambugu, S., Olwande, J. and Mueni, E. (2010). Free Primary Education in Kenya: An impact evaluation using propensity score methods. Poverty and economic policy research network. Uploaded on 22 May 2014, available online at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/226562481_Free_Primary_Education_in_Kenya_An_Impact_Evaluation_Using_Propensity_Score_Methods/link/0912f513ccf3a3cec3000000/download (Ogutu)




Articles, Blogs, Opinions



Papers, Reports, Studies



Other Information



More Coming Soon - Please Check Back

This section of the library is a work in progress.  If you know of good resources to add here, please let us know.  If you are a student and might like to help, consider our research internship.  Click here for information or contact help2@pmworldlibrary.net

This section of the library created in February 2018


