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Jesús Martinez Almela


Honorary Global Advisor



Jesús Martinez Almela

Past President and Chair, Honorary Fellow, IPMA
Board Member, Chair, AEIPRO OCDP (Spain)
Chair, LATNET (Network of Spanish speaking PM Associations)
Hon Fellow of National PM Associations in 10+ countries

Villareal, Spain



Jesús Martinez Almela is a Projects, Programme and Portfolio Manager, Certified IPMA Coach for Human Talent Development, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineer, and international Trainer, Coach and Consultant. He was President of the International Project Management Association (IPMA) during 2018-2020 and IPMA Chairman of the Council of Delegates in 2021-2023. He formerly served as IPMA VP Education during 2013-2017. He was named an Honorary IPMA Fellow in 2023.

Jesús has extensive experience with PM certifications and training. Since 1999, he has been involved with development of international standards for research and Project, Programme, Portfolio, Agile Leadership, Coach, Consultant and Trainer in Project Management, including ICB3, ICB4, PEB, OCB, ICB4, etc. Since 1999, he also has been personally certified in all levels of the IPMA 4LC universal model of competences against the versions ICB1 (level D), ICB2 (levels C and B) and ICB3 (level A, recertified level A since 2007).  In 2007 he was the first certificate of level A in Spain.  Since 2012, he also holds Certificate as IPMA Delta Assessor. He is ICA-International Assessor for ICB-CCT certifications (co-author in Spanish of CCT-Consultants, Coaches and Trainers in Project Management Guidelines, ISBN: 987-607-99850-0-4). He is the head of the Spanish Certification Body (accredited ISO17024:2012) for Project Management (2005-today).

Since 1993, he has lectured in honours courses in 13 Polytechnic Universities throughout Spain, and at major universities in Seven Latin American countries. Since 2005, he has conducted basic and advanced PM training and lectures in more than 40 countries for 500 companies, 30 universities and multiple professional bodies. From 2012-2016 he was Chairman of the IPMA APM International Expert Seminar in ETH-Zurich. He has served as professor in the Alma Mater Europea University PhD Project Management Programme (Austria, Slovenia, Croatia) since 2017.

Jesús was the founder of Selco Advanced Engineering and Project Management (1988-2009), providing EPMC company turnkey projects in Southern Europe, Latin America, China, Japan and the USA.  He is founder and owner of Bioagroproject Biotech PPM and P3Competence for training, consultancy, and interim project and programme management (2008-present); and cofounder of INECIR (P3Competence (2018-present). He is the developer and owner of 5 international patents related to animal waste and waste-to-energy (since 1993). He has consulted to dozens of companies in many countries, including for such megaprojects as the 3rd set of locks for Panama Canal Expansion, Itercoop, EACI-UE, Hitachi and Korail.

Jesús is an Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer, with a degree in Agricultural Economics from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain, 1986.  Further education included PDG-IESE, University of Navarra, Spain (1988); Post Graduate Environmental Engineering degree, Lleida University, Spain (1997); Post Graduate degree in Wastewater Treatment, Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (1998); and STMC based Technology Program, Stanford School of Engineering, Stanford University, USA and IESA Navarra University, Spain (1999).

In addition to his expertise and experience related to project and programme management, his technical fields of focus include Smarter Rural Development, Agroindustry, Food Security, Waste-to-Energy, Biotechnology and Renewable Energy.  He has authored more than 300 technical and scientific documents and papers, and is the co-author of 8 books, systems and models; many are related to new processes for sustainable farming, agricultural production, and projects and programme management.

In addition to various certifications and leadership roles, Jesus has received multiple awards and honors.  Jesús is based in Villareal, Spain and can be contacted at jma@bioagroprojects.com

To view a longer, more detailed CV, click here.


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