Access to new resource related to Cultural Intelligence and Success Factors in Project Management added to PMWL
Resource provided by Ameena Haq
01 June 2024 – Rawalpindi, Pakistan – Access to a new resource has been added to the PM World Library (PMWL) related to Cultural Intelligence and Success Factors in Project Management. The new resource titled “English Translations in Project Management: Enhancing Cross-Cultural Communication and Project Success”, is a paper by Mohammed Almashhadani and Hasan Ahmed Almashhadani and published in International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI) in 2023.
This study explores the role of English translations in improving communication and achieving project success in multicultural project management settings. Effective communication is identified as a key factor in international projects, where team members often come from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The research highlights that English translations bridge communication gaps, facilitating smoother interactions among project stakeholders and enhancing stakeholder engagement, decision-making, and conflict resolution. Key findings indicate that English translations significantly improve collaboration and project outcomes in cross-cultural project environments, emphasizing the need for improved and high-quality translation services. This study aims to provide empirical insights and practical guidelines for project managers and concludes that prioritizing high-quality English translations can lead to better project collaboration and success in overcoming linguistic barriers in international project management.
To access this new resource, go to the Advanced / Hot Topics in PPM section of the library at, scroll down and click on either Cultural Intelligence or Success Factors in Project Management, scroll down to resource. Must be registered and logged-in to access. If not yet registered, please consider the 30-Day FREE Trial Membership at
This new resource provided through the PMWL university research internship program; to learn more, click here