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Understanding Project Management Practice

Access to research paper by Svetlana Cicmil added to PM World Library

Resource provided by
Venkata Srikanth Varma Datla

15 June, 2017 – Rome, Italy – Access to a new resource has been added to the PM World Library (PMWL) related to the project management profession. The new resource is titled “Understanding Project Management Practice Through Interpretative and Critical Research Perspectives.” Published by the Project Management Institute (PMI), this paper is by Svetlana Cicmil at Bristol Business School, University of the West of England.

In this arcticle it is stated that a qualitative research approach grounded in critical interpretative perspectives of phronetic social science can offer an alternative way of understanding and talking about the practice of project management. Two important issues have been addressed in this acrticle:

  • The complex process of this kind of qualitative research
  • The nature and practical usefulness of its outcomes

By providing examples of both the process and outcomes, the paper illuminates how the chosen, phronesis-centered approach underpinned by the concepts of “pragmatic epistemology” and “cooperative enquiry” can generate new insights into project managers daily coping with the complexity of projects.

Go to the P/PM Profession section of the PMWL at, click on “Practice or Profession”, scroll down to find resource. Must be registered professional member and logged in to access.


