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Reducing Hunger

There are now many organizations involved in initiatives to reduce hunger and famine around the world.  This means many programs and projects and a vast need for program/project management for these efforts.  Here are some resources to help readers learn more about these activities.

General Information

Hunger in America - Millions of children and families living in America face hunger and food insecurity every day. Learn more here.


Global Initiatives & Programs

Shaping the Future of Food Security and Agriculture - The mission of the World Economic Forum’s System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Food Security and Agriculture is to build inclusive, sustainable, efficient and nutritious food systems through leadership-driven, market-based action and collaboration, informed by insights and innovation, in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals. To see their various projects, click here.


Feed the Future: The U.S. Governments Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative - As America's initiative to combat global hunger and poverty, Feed the Future is putting America’s engine of ingenuity and opportunity to work abroad. The initiative works to give families and communities in some of the world’s poorest countries the freedom and opportunity to lift themselves out of destitution. For more, go to  https://www.feedthefuture.gov/


Local Initiatives, Programs, Projects







Food Banks Canada - The national charitable organization representing the food bank network in Canada, ten Provincial Associations, more than 500 affiliated food banks, and over 3,000 food agencies. Together, they serve approximately 85% of the Canadians who turn to community food banks or food programs for help. More at https://www.foodbankscanada.ca/Home.aspx


United Kingdom


United States

Feeding America - What began in 1979 as a clearinghouse for national food donations is now the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization—a powerful and efficient network of 200 food banks across the country. Learn more at https://www.feedingamerica.org/


Articles, Blogs, Opinions

Anderson, C.R., Kiss, C., Bruil, J., Chappell, M.J., Pimbert, M.P. (2020), Scaling Agroecology from the Bottom up: Six Domains of Transformation; Foodfirst, February 21. Available online at https://foodfirst.org/publication/scaling-agroecology-from-the-bottom-up-six-domains-of-transformation/  (Itodo)


Papers, Reports, Studies

Lundqvist,J.; Unver, O. (2018). Alternative pathways to food security and nutrition–water predicaments and human behavior;  Official Journal of the World Water Council, Volume 20, Issue 5, 1 October. Available online at https://iwaponline.com/wp/article-pdf/20/5/871/492622/020050871.pdf  (Choudhury)

Halving Hunger: It can be done. (2005) The world is facing an unprecedented need to improve the lives of billions of food deprived people. The UN Millennium Project, under the leadership of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, identified strategies to eradicate poverty by scaling up investments in specific areas like infrastructure and human capital. The report is an independent publication and reflects the views of task force members on hunger. Available online at https://www.hintergrund.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Hunger-lowres-complete.pdf (Gogate)



Educational Multi-Media Lectures, Presentations, Videos




Other Information



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This section of the library created in February 2018


