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Stefano Castagna




Stefano Castagna

Bocconi University/New York University
Milan, Italy/New York, USA


Stefano Castagna
is currently pursuing his Master’s degree in Law and Business Administration (CLELI) at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. He is also a candidate to the LLM in International Business Regulation, Litigation and Arbitration at New York University (NYU) School of Law in New York, USA. Stefano holds a Law Degree from Bocconi University. During his studies and work abroad, he has worked in the field of transfer pricing, international transactions and has written in international arbitration and tax. His studies during his MSc degree led him to gain an interest in project management and valuation connected to law-related issues, such as optimisation of time and resources in litigation and arbitration proceedings and project management of international law and treatymaking.

Major Field of Study: Law and Business Administration

Research interests: Project management in legal proceedings and negotiations

For information about the project management program at Bocconi University, click here.

Stefano can be contacted at castagnastefano@hotmail.com

Start date: July 2017               Complete date: September 2017

170813 - Law school student joins PM research program

171014 - Castagna completes PMWL internship in record time


Research results

171107 - Castagna - International Chamber of Commerce and Court of Arbitration

171030 - Castagna - United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

171023 - Castagna - Association of Corporate Counsel

171011 - Castagna - Legal Project Management - An evolving process

171005 - Castagna - 10 Things Law Firms Need to Know about Implementing Legal Project Management

170930 - Castagna - AIG General Litigation Management Guidelines

170925 - Castagna - A Developing Science - Key Issues in Legal Project Management

170919 - Castagna - Using Legal Project Management to Drive Value

170912 - Castagna - Introduction to Legal Project Management

170905 - Castagna - A Brief Overview of Legal Knowledge Management

170828 - Castagna - Managing Litigation Checklist

170823 - Castagna - Litigation Risk Management and Alternative Dispute Resolution

170816 - Castagna - How to Assess Legal Risk Management Practices

170808 - Castagna - Effective Management of Arbitration

170802 - Castagna - Managing E-Document Production

170728- Castagna - Technical Notes on Online Dispute Resolution

170724 - Castagna - Recommendations for Arbitration Management

170720 - Castagna - UNCITRAL Notes on Organising Arbitral Proceedings

170717 - Castagna - Project Management in International Arbitration

