Information / Statistics
Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) - A treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. Learn more here.
Global Initiatives
Local and Regional Initiatives
Kiprop, E., Maundu, N., and Matsui, K. (2018): Can Kenya supply energy with 100% renewable sources? A conference paper published on researchgate in November 2018. Available online at (Ogutu)
Solar Powers India's clean energy revolution (2019). Article published in March on The World Bank website highlights India’s initiatives towards the adoption of renewable sources of energy. (Gogate)
Energy saving, Implementation of Solar Energy and Other Renewable Energy Sources for Energy Supply in Rural Areas of Russia – from Energy Procedia (74, 2015, 1551 – 1560). The author is Olga V. Shepovalova. This paper analyses project management and implementation strategies for solar energy saving initiatives in rural areas of Russia. For more go to
Papers, Reports & Studies
Huda, R.N. (2023). The Assessment of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Feasible Alternatives and Policies in Indonesia; PM World Journal, Vol. XII, Issue IX, September. Available online at
Renewable energy in Europe – 2017 Update. In the backdrop of global efforts to mitigate climate change, European Union has taken multiple initiatives to promote renewable energy sources. The report is prepared by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its European Topic Centre for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation (ETC/ACM). It analyses and outlines progress of European Union (EU) as a whole, and at country, market sector and technology level. Available online at (Gogate)
A cross-sectional review: Impacts and sustainability of small-scale renewable energy projects in developing countries – The paper was featured in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 40 (2014) 1–10. The authors are Terrapon-Pfaff J., Dienst J., König J., Ortiz W. A short literature exists on small-scale renewable energy projects in developing countries. Deeper studies on them would help guarantee a greater sustainability and then, better living conditions in those poor areas. For more, visit or click here for report.
Energy planning and development in Malaysian Borneo: Assessing the benefits of distributed technologies versus large-scale energy mega-projects – from Energy Strategy Reviews (Vol. 8, July 2015, pages 15-29). The authors are Rebekah Shirley and Daniel Kammen. This paper tackles the debate over the energy paradigm in Malaysia on large projects vs small renewable plants. For more go to
The State of Sustainable Finance in the United States – This executive summary, published by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in February 2016, was prepared by Krosinsky C. and Thoumi G. and is part of the UNEP Inquiry program. It aims at accelerating the transition to a green economy in which the financial system and real economy are better aligned. Indeed, the UNEP Inquiry produces reports and technical papers to make best practices and other info available to the public. To read the report, click here.
Bond financing for renewable energy projects in Asia - Energy Policy (2016). The authors of this paper are Thiam Hee Ng and Jacqueline Yujia Tao. This paper explores the causes of the financing gap for renewable energy projects in Asia and proposes the use of bond financing. For more or click here for report.
Testing, Development and Demonstration of Large Scale Solar District Heating Systems – from Energy Procedia - International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, SHC 2014, Volume 70, May 2015, Pages 568–573. The authors are Simon Furbo, Jianhua Fan, Bengt Perers, Weiqiang Kong, Daniel Trier, Niels From. This analysis covers a collaboration project on Solar District Heating Systems between Danish and Chinese actors, bridging various aspects of expertise on the subject. For more go to
Articles, Blogs, Expert Opinions
Bilodeau, S. (2019). Artificial intelligence in a “no choice but to get it smart” energy industry! - The author introduces Intelligent Energy Storage (IES) which is just pairing Renewable Energy (RE) with AI-driven storage systems. He points out that AI opens a lot of possibilities to correctly optimize the size of the RE storage system and maximize the returns for the customer. The article points out that AI plays an important role in power-grid management when combined with other technologies like IOT and Bigdata. 11 April 2019. Available online at (Gopireddy)
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