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Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry has employed modern project management for decades. PMI Founder James Snyder worked in the pharmaceutical industry most of his career, including during the 1960s when PMI was founded.  Most major pharmaceutical companies and many smaller ones plan and manage their projects in accordance with international standards.  This industry is still growing and spreading around the world though and more modern professional project management is still needed in many pharmaceutical organizations.  Hopefully the resources below will prove useful to some of you.




Papers, Reports, Studies

Pattanaik, A. (2014). Complexity of Project Management in Pharmaceutical Industry  Project Management Institute. In this paper, the author throws light on the industry realities and challenges in the pharmaceutical industry, project management team’s role in a pharmaceutical company and how to measure project success. To read this paper, go to https://www.pmi.org/learning/library/project-management-complexity-pharmaceutical-industry-1487 (Ovya RK)

Reddy,M.R.S.; Jigeesh, N; Kumar, P. (2017. The Integration of project management with supply chain management in Indian pharmaceutical projects , IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, December.  Paper discloses best practices for integrating project management and supply chain management to improve the delivery of pharmaceutical projects. For more, click here.  (Kumar)


Articles, Blogs, Opinions

Chandran, P.T. (2016). Importance of Project Management in Pharma. LinkedIn, 24 April. Available online at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/importance-project-management-pharma-industry-prakash-t-chandran/ (Parchuri)

Keenan, S. (2024).  Avoiding the Biggest Pitfalls When Managing Complex Pharma Projects, PM World Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue VII, July.  Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/pmwj143-Jul2024-Keenan-avoiding-biggest-pitfalls-managing-complex-pharma-projects.pdf

Khelifi, Y. (2021). Agile Lessons Learned in Business, Projects and Life: Interview with Mike Palladino, PM World Journal, Vol. X, Issue XII, December. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/pmwj112-Dec2021-Khelifi-Interview-with-Mike-Palladino.pdf


Other Resources

Agile: The new active ingredient in Pharma Development – an interview summary:  In 2019, Frank Duff, senior vice president, and Malte Schutz, vice president, of Roche – one of the world’s leading biotechnology companies, which has pivoted to agile – met with McKinsey to discuss the origins of the work and its progress. The interview revolves around mind-sets, the approach they followed to help people move along the change curve, the markers for success, and the way they communicated the messages of transformation and transparency across different regions. They say that agile can be applied even in a highly regulated industry as long as we are able to separate things clearly. Available online at https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/agile-the-new-active-ingredient-in-pharma-development (Gopireddy)



More Coming Soon

This section of the library is a work in progress.  If you know of good resources to add here, please let us know.  If you are a student and might like to help, consider our research internship.  Click here for information or contact help@pmworldlibrary.net

Created 15 February 2018

